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Studying In College




  1. Forming Study Groups: 


  • Similar to meeting your professors and TA’s, connecting with classmates by forming small study groups is a sure way for success in your classes (both in high school and college). Set up a Group Me or other group and message your classmates on Carmen or the alternative class page site. This way you’ll always be connected to other people in the class, whether virtually or in-person. Having regular or semi-regular study sessions and going over homework or labs together is an important tool for success. Not only is it a good way to network with other students taking the class, but it also helps to know that you’re not the only one that might be struggling or have questions about the material.


   2. Meeting Professors and TA’s:​


  • One of the most important things to do especially when taking college courses is to connect with your professors and TA’s if the course has them. Going to office hours, even if it’s just for a short period of time is an excellent way to build lasting relationships and ask clarifying questions about the material covered. Simply talking to your professor and learning more about them and their interests makes taking the course that much more fun. Look in the Syllabus for office hours times and locations. Additionally, by engaging with the professor they have an opportunity to put a face to a name and meet you - which is especially important in large (introductory) courses. 





  1. Staying Organized:


  • Separate assignments/materials into different folders for each class you take. Having a neat and organized study space to work can help minimize stress. Create a list of all important homework assignments, tests, and deadlines so you never have to cram all your studying into the night before. This can be done in a hand-written planner or it can also help to create a Google Calendar for each class and put the important dates online. It is crucial that you take your class notes in a way that is neat and able to be reviewed because if you can’t find or review the notes before the test, then you’ve essentially wasted your time taking the notes. 


   2. Time Management: 


  • Time management is one of the most important skills you need to develop in order for success within high school and college classes. Prioritizing your time and blocking out distractions are the two keys to successful time management. Oftentimes you will have more assignments and upcoming tests than you have time to study effectively for - you need to decide which things are the most important and focus your energy on those. One helpful study strategy is called the Pomodoro Method, where you spend 25 minutes studying with a 5-minute break or 50 minutes studying with a 10-minute break. Having focused blocks of study time where you remain engaged with a singular task/goal is a great way to utilize your time efficiently. 


   3. Reviewing:


  • A very beneficial strategy for understanding and retaining your class content is to review assignments, notes, and other materials provided by your instructor. This strategy can help you better prepare for future assignments, quizzes, and exams. Complete assignments, and then revisit those assignments a second time using your previously completed assignment as an answer key. While it may seem like overkill, this strategy is extremely effective in preparing for exams, particularly in college classes. 





Written By: Lauren Coleman

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