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Tips To Help Dealing With Feeling Alone

By: Daniel Burke II

April 12, 2022


Loneliness is a very misunderstood and important issue. Many people believe it to be just an issue with people who lack friends, but it can happen to anyone. It can happen during the school year when you’re busy with school work and have no time for anything social, it can happen when you are fighting with a close friend, and many more different ways. Being aware of these things can help prepare you for a period where you may feel lonely, but sometimes that may not be enough. Knowing tips to help mitigate these issues is important in any foreseen or unforeseen situations. Here are a few to help start you out:


1. Talk to peers

Sometimes an easy start is to open up to someone during this period. Personally, I like to talk to my friends first, and I know many others do. However, if you are at a point where you are not able to socialize with them, what do you do? The best option is to try to talk to peers to help you through this time. This can be an easy way to temporarily deal with “bottling” emotions up when feeling alone. There are also a large variety of people too to help with this. This can include people like parents, school counselors, therapists, or a variety of online services. There are always people out there who want to listen and help.  


2. Make New Friends

Another way to help is to try and reach out to new people. This tip can especially help when you may be fighting with a friend or you lost connections with someone naturally. You don’t even have to do it in person if that worries you too much, reach out to them online. Message people you don’t typically talk to on things like Instagram or Snapchat. Join public servers and talk to people on there. Sometimes these friendships don’t have to be permanent, just find a way to socialize and talk to someone new. Who knows what could blossom out of it?


3. Looking After Yourself

One very important tip is to look after yourself. During times of loneliness, it is easy to not worry about yourself. This can be as simple as not doing simple, daily routines to the extremes of letting emotions get ahead of you and so on. Noticing simple things that may be changing about yourself during difficult times is important for your health, both mentally and physically. 


These are just some brief and simple tips to help you during difficult times. There is no right answer to deal with these problems, so trying different things won’t hurt. There are a ton more ways to deal with issues like these, so I linked below some resources that can help with these times. Hope this helped! 



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